Telemedicine services
Washington, DC
Get the healthcare you need from home.
A great alternative to in-office visits, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient for those with a busy schedule, is doing telemedicine visits. Telemedicine also ensures access to care when an in-person visit is not possible or optimal.
Telemedicine allows you to receive medical care by using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. The details of how to access your telemedicine visit are provided well in advance of your appointment so you can have your technology ready to get the care you need.
Telemedicine visits are private and HIPPA compliant
All information and data shared during your visit are encrypted and the appointments follow all HIPAA data privacy requirements.
What medical issues can be addressed with telemedicine?
Not all medical issues can be addressed via telemedicine. If you have a condition that needs a physical exam or requires lab testing, you will have to visit the office.
But, telemedicine eliminates unnecessary trips to the practice. Dr. Beaton may offer telemedicine for:
Anxiety and depression
Acute covid-related illness
Diabetes management
Medication management
Acute concerns such as a cold or a rash
Some women’s and men’s health care questions
Cholesterol and other blood test reviews
Healthy lifestyle recommendations
Dietary guidance
If you’re not sure your concern can be addressed with telemedicine, we welcome you to reach out to our staff to learn more.